
Initially financed by the European Commission’s Capacity Building funds (Youth in Action and Erasmus+), Sustainaware aimed at providing a platform for youth around the world to exchange good and promising practices on education on sustainable development for the sole purpose of bringing about change in local environments towards a more sustainable future.

In 2014, Sustainaware focused on understanding realities from five continents and produced a physical toolkit that can, among other products, be accessed here. Eight Local Days of Actions (LDAs) and three Global Partners’ Meetings (GPMs) were organized, while a consultation about the future of the Partnership was carried on. More about the process in 2014 can be found in the video below.


In 2015, we carried out two additional GPMs and more than a hundred LDAs around the world, which can be accessed via the campaign #AllForCOP21 subpage. We introduced five Regional Partners’ Meetings (RPMs) as an agreement of the 2014 consultation among partners, who asked to have a more sustainable partnership that would not involve as much global travel when not needed and would instead promote more local and regional actions. The purpose of the RPMs in 2015, 2016 and 2017 was to bring together more young people from the similar cultural, political, and historical background, explain the United Nations and Conference of Parties (COP) on Climate Change process, share good practices and deliver Regional Manifestos on Climate Change. See more about the locations of GPMs and RPMs on the activities’ subpage.

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